Category Archives: lifestyle

7 quotes that you should remember!

cosmos(edited)Our life is not a bed of roses but it is also not a bed of thorns. Where there is sadness and hardship,  there must be happiness and success. Thus we mustn’t lose our hope in the worst of our times.  The quotes below will help you in your hardship.

1. Obstacles are those things we see when we take our eyes off our goal.        – Henry Ford.

2. With great power comes great responsibility.       –  Spiderman.

3. Dream aren’t those you see when you are asleep, but dreams are those which don’t let you sleep.       – A.P.G Abdul Kalam.

4. He who opens a school door closes a prison.        – Unknown.

5. Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains.       – Unknown.

6. I slept and dreamt that life was beauty, I woke and found that life was duty.       – Unknown.

7. It is always the wrong person who teaches you the right thing in life.       – Unknown.

Here,  unknown means I don’t know. I forgot the names.